Together we can become an important player in this market.

We are looking for financial investments to strengthen the product features development, the sales and marketing activities and to speed up the go-to-market roadmap.

Please contact us if you are interested in investing in our product and in our company.

Early adopters

We are open to build dedicated solutions that will match the specific requirements of the individual customer/partner.

We can shape together the future of ArniaDB to meet the ever-evolving challenges in the IT market and to ensure that we build a solution that aligns with all the modern industry standards and tendencies.

Please contact us if you are interested in using our product early releases and want to implement solutions using ArniaDB.


We are looking for long-term partnerships, to benefit together from the product implementation and commercialization.

Please contact us if you are interested in being a partner to help us with commercialization, marketing and to be a solutions design and implementation provider.